Animal Hospital of Waynesville
Heartworms in Cats

Facts About Heartworms
Heartworm disease is a serious condition that potentially could be fatal.
It is transmitted by mosquitoes. It only takes one bite from one infected mosquito.
Heartworms are parasitic worms that live in the arteries of the lungs and occasionally in the right side of the heart.
Heartworms affect both dogs and cats.
It only takes One heartworm to be fatal to cats.
Heartworm disease has been reported in all 50 states.
Signs of heartworm disease may not be visible until its later stages.
There is NO treatment for heartworm in cats.
Facts About Heartworm Prevention
The best offense against heartworm disease is a good defense!
Heartworm disease is 100% preventable!
Prevention is safe, easy and inexpensive.
Cats must have a current client-veterinary-patient relationship due to heartworm prevention being a prescription.
We recommend Revolution for cats.
Revolution is a once monthly oral heartworm and flea preventive, as well as being a monthly dewormer for roundworms, hookworms and whipworms.
Common Heartworm Questions
Does my cat really need to be on a heartworm prevention?
Do we live in a heartworm hot bed?
Do I really need for my cat to be on heartworm prevention year round?
The answer is YES to all three!
With the warmer seasons, the number of heartworm cases is on the rise. In the past 12 years you can see heartworm incidences moving into areas where before there were hardly any reported cases. Visit the American Heartworm Society for more information and to view the most recent heartworm incidence maps.
Without the prevention every month your pet could become infected before you know it. The increase of warmer weather throughout the US has done away with the “flea and/or heartworm seasons”. Remember it could be any season, anytime, and anywhere.